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Our alcohol miniatures maybe be small; but they typically contain a 50ml spirit shot, which is a double pub measure. So please drink alcohol responsibly!
Hi All, Thought you might like to know that the personalised miniatures went down well, in every sense. Everyone loved them. Thanks a lot. Will...
Personalised Miniatures
May i just say what a fantastic service from your company on my recent wedding bottle purchase. They arrived within 2 days of ordering and are of a...
Wedding Bottles
Great choice of mini drinks. Fast turnaround. Delivered in plenty of time for our wedding. Regards, Steven
Mini Drinks
Nice selection of whisky miniatures. Wish I'd found this site before now. Baxter
Whisky Miniatures
Can't thank you enough for the great job you made of the labels for our miniatures. Nice to know there is still such a thing as great customer...
Great Service